Two Ways To Ruin One's Life.

 There are only two ways by which one can perfectly ruin one's otherwise beautiful life : 

(a) by planning. 

(b) by grieving. 

Instead of living in a moment, we vainly think about the highly iffy future, making stupid plans about how to achieve material success. 

Can our petty, silly plans prevail over the "Grand Plan" already formulated by the Greatest Planner of all - The Almighty. 

Believe me, anything that can be achieved through planning is not only worthless, but also deleterious. 

Once my father very wisely said, "Son do not hanker after material success, happiness. 

Behind every material success, happiness lurks thousands of miseries. 

Lasting, real bliss is found only in the spiritual world."

Also, there is no use in grieving over one's misfortune. 

One's "Karmas" (deeds) - done in this or previous lives - are solely responsible for one's good or bad luck. 

One only gets what one deserves. 

Well, I have always trusted the Existence and have surrendered myself completely to It. 

I staunchly believe that a rudderless boat at the mercy of the strong winds has greater chance of reaching the shore swiftly, safely! 

A strong votary of "living in the present", I have written the following lines : 

मुझे मंजिलों से मतलब ना था, मैनें तो लुत्फ़-ए-सफ़र लिया है 

जिन्हें रास्तों का इल्म ना था, बस उन्हीं को रहबर किया है 

लुत्फ़ : enjoy, इल्म : knowledge, रहबर : guide 

In this journey of life, I am not concerned about achieving "something" - material success, wealth.  

I have never ever set objectives to be achieved in this life. 

I take life as it comes, enjoys living from moment to moment. 

Infact, I have deliberately made only those people as my guides who know nothing about the ways to achieve material success. 

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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