The Chief Objective Of Human Life

 Renowned mystic, Kabir, has wisely  written : 

मन के हारे हार है मन के जीते जीत ।

कहे कबीर हरि पाइए मन ही की परतीत । 

The chief objective of human life is to control the mind. 

One who can't surmount one's mind, always remain in anguish. 

By mastering one's mind, one becomes the conqueror of this illusory world ( मायावी संसार ). 

O Kabir, it is only by winning over one's mind that one can have firm faith which is prerequisite to attain Lord Krishna ( हरि ). 

Due to uncontrolled minds, the globe nowadays is sadly teeming with crimes, corruption, rapes. Unfettered mind is undoubtedly the fountainhead of avarice, anger, vices. 

Upanishads, particularly the Kathopanishad ( कठोपनिषद ) likens the body to the chariot, the five senses to the five horses drawing the chariot, the mind to the charioteer, the soul to the owner of the chariot who is seated behind. 

The senses ( horses ) desire pleasurable things. If the owner of the chariot ( the soul ) does not restraint the mind ( charioteer ), the mind ( charioteer ) will invariably direct the senses ( horses ) towards pleasurable things ( वासनाएं ). 

Hence the bewildered soul has been moving around, since time immemorial, in the agonizing cycle of birth and death, unable to attain "moksha". 

That's why I am a strong votary of making meditation, as a means to control the mind, an indispensable part of the school curriculum. 

I have written : 

मेरा मन नहीं बस में मेरे, बार बार करो ना यूँ विलाप 

मन तो महज़ है धूप - छाँव, सूरज हो तुम आप 

Do not say foolishly, gloomily that your mind has overpowerd you. 

You alone are the controller of your mind. You are like a Sun that can make your mind either sunny ( happy ) or shady ( depressing ). 

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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