Real Joy Lies Somewhere Else!

 The sources of happiness vary with time. 

Toys entice a child much. 

On attaining youth, toys no longer attract. 

For a young person, the whole world of happiness lies in the arms of beloved. 

During middle age, one finds delight in money making activities, one's allurement for moolah intensifies. 

But does one find real, lasting happiness throughout one's life? 

No, certainly not. 

If it were so, then the sources of happiness should not change at all. 

Then a middle aged should also find rejoice in playing with the inanimate toys. 

Worldly people have been groping in the dark, searching for the perennial pleasure. 

But it remains ever elusive. 

Everlasting bliss lies somewhere else, dear! 

Sadly, there are very few "real" spiritual gurus ( सद्गुरू ) in the contemporary times ( कलियुग ) who can show the right way to permanent bliss. 

Well, I have written the following lines to show how a materialistic person is mindlessly pursuing the path of lasting joy sans an authentic guru : 

चलते जा रहा हूँ मुसलसल, मंज़िलों की नहीं है ख़बर 

रास्तों का पता ना कोई रहबर, अजब है यह सफ़र! 

मुसलसल : continuously.  रहबर : guide. 

I have been travelling continuously since time immemorial, but I am still ignorant about my destination. 

Also I don't have a good guide who can tell me the correct way that can lead me to my destination. 

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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