One's Deeds Alone Determine One's Destiny!
"Sir, I have been searching vigorously for a black dog for the last two hours. Have you seen any black dog nearby?" asked an acquaintance of mine.
"Why on earth are you seeking only a black dog. There are some brown ones in this area. Make do with them" said I.
"Sir, the astrologer has advised me to feed milk and flour biscuits only to a black dog, as a remedy to remove the evil effects of Rahu planet".
Sometimes I amusingly see people pouring mustard oil on banyan trees so as to propitiate Saturn planet ( शनि ग्रह ). I don't know whether pouring oil pleases Saturn or not, but it definitely damages the healthy banyan tree, irreparably.
To obliterate pains, illnesses in their lives, some people do many such absurd, foolish things.
In "Srimad Bhagavad Gita", Lord Krishna has clearly told His disciple Arjuna that "Every action done by a being has a reaction. Nobody, in this entire creation, can escape from the fruits of the actions.
If one does good to others, one invariably gets happiness, solace.
Evil deeds will only spawn miseries, woes".
If one has planted a thorn bush, how can one expect to reap delicious, juicy mangoes by doing such preposterous things as wearing rings embedded with precious stones!
One has to suffer or enjoy the effects of one's deeds - done in this or in previous births.
A murderer, rapist, corrupt person may get himself exonerated by bribing the authorities, judges.
But believe me, the one with million eyes - the Supreme - can neither be deceived nor be appeased by pouring oils, wearing "magical" amulets.
I have written :
ना तारे तेरे दुश्मन, ना तारे तुझसे करें प्यार
कर्म डूबोयें तेरी कश्ती, तेरे कर्म लगायें पार
The stars are neither one's enemies nor one's friends.
One's deeds alone decide one's destiny, one's state of mind.
By performing noble deeds, one attains bliss. By doing evil to others, one gets only melancholies.
~ Sanjay Gargish ~
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