How I Handle My Enemies

"Sir, do you have enemies? How do you handle them?" asked an acquaintance.

Well, I am fortunate that I possess nothing that may cause enmity, jealously.

I am not an affluent person - do not own any property, conveyance, fat bank balance.
Neither do I hold an authoritarian, influential position in the society.

Infact I have no cravings for these traps, right from the start.

A believer in the philosophy of "travelling light", I intend to complete the rest of my "journey" by living humbly and happily.

If some people still harbour feelings of rancour towards me, then I can't help.

Having ardent faith in the philosophy of अहिंसा ( non-violence), I manage my "hidden enemies" in a rather unconventional way, described in the following lines of mine: 

अपने रकीबों को इस तरह सताता हूँ 
मैं अक्सर बेहद, बेवजह मुस्कुराता हूँ

Translation :
I torment my enemies in my own, peculiar way.
I often smile a lot, without any reason which they can't endure.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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