Ways To Have Good Health

Few days back, a "free obesity check camp" was organized by a famous private hospital near Chandigarh.
Are these health check camps organized by such "concerned" hospitals really free?

I have discovered that these camps are usually eyewash, intended to inveigle, entrap the credulous valetudinarians for bariatric surgeries, expensive treatments.

Instead of encouraging the obese to shun their sedentary lifestyles, spend time in sports or gymnasiums, these hospitals, looking more like five star hotels, are out to fleece gullible, sickly people.

They charge exorbitant consultation fee, conduct unnecessary diagnostic tests, do expensive operations that are not required, prescribe costly medicines for the diseases that do not exist at all!

I remember the time when general physicians (G.P.s) prescribed medicines only by examining the pulse, tummy, without any ultrasound or X-ray. They charged very nominal fee.

Writers not only understand human psychology well, they have a fair knowledge about keeping body healthy.

I have discerned that to be in a good shape, one should :
(a) do a minimum of one hour of walk, yoga or any workout, daily. One should prefer homemade, vegetarian food.
(b) try to give vent to one's emotions. Repressed emotions are like "slow poison".
(c) take life as it comes. Never copy or compete with others. God has made each one of us बेनज़ीर (peerless ).
Be grateful to Him, always.
(d) never ever hoard things or money, more than necessary. Remember that life is an arduous journey. It is always wise to travel light.
(e) By helping the poor, needy, one gets a lot of satisfaction and mental peace which is definitely a prerequisite for sound mind and body.

My grandfather, Pandit Ram Partapji was a renowned हकीम (practitioner of Unani System Of Medicine). He used to say :
पैर गर्म, पेट नर्म, सिर ठंडा 
डाक्टर आए तो मारो डंडा
If you want to keep doctor at bay, then walk a lot, take light meals and remain calm and contented.

I request the medicos to follow ethical medical practices and take the blessings of the ailing humanity. They must not turn themselves into  ruthless money making machines.

Otherwise, one has to reap what one has sown.
Trust me, one can't escape from the consequences of one's कर्म (actions) - good or bad.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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