हवाओं के दम से है...

I am presenting my new "ghazal" to my friends.
For my friends and cousins who live abroad and who do not understand Urdu, I have translated it.
Hope you like it.

(a) हवाओं के दम से है उड़ना, बिखर जाना मेरा
मुश्त-ए-ख़ाक से बढ़कर नहीं है अफ़्साना मेरा

(b) कर लिया है यार की गली में सज्दा मैने
छूट गया है अब इबादत-गाह जाना मेरा

(c) क्यूँ झुकुं बेवजह, बदअखलाक जहाँ के आगे मै
मेरे हाथों की लकीरों मे है महफ़ूज, आब-ओ-दाना मेरा

(d) दुशवार है यूं जीना, पुर-दर्द दुनिया में ऐ दोस्त
होश-ओ-हवास मिटा दो मेरे, भर दो पैमाना मेरा

Meaning of Urdu words :
मुश्त-ए-ख़ाक (A fistful of dust), सज्दा (bowing down of head during the worship), इबादत-गाह (place of worship), बदअखलाक ( immoral), आब-ओ-दाना (food and water) महफ़ूज (in safe custody), दुशवार (arduous), पुर-दर्द (painful).

Translation :
(a) The winds of destiny can either make me soar up in the sky or scatter me ruthlessly here and there. For I am nothing more than a fistful of dust.
(b) I now bow my head in my beloved's lane. I no longer go to any place of worship.
(c) I don't supplicate unnecessarily before the immoral people for any favor. I will surely get whatever is written in my destiny.
(d) It is arduous to live in this sorrowful world. Fill my glass with wine my friend so that I may become numb to the sufferings of the people.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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