Taking Inspiration From Sage Dattatreya

Few weeks back, I finished reading "Dattatreya Upanishad" written by renowned Indian monk--Dattatreya, alias Dattaguru. He received his whole education by keenly observing nature, from Mother Nature. In the "Upanishad" (Hindu religious text), he has enumerated all his twenty-four "teachers" like earth, elephant, fish, spider.
A snake can comfortably slither into any hollow object that it encounters. Also it readily discards it's old skin so as to sport a new one. From a snake, Dattatreya learnt that a yogi (monk) should be able to adapt himself to all places and circumstances. Also a yogi must be prompt to modify his outdated thinking, ideas.
Dattatreya found that honey bees laboriously collect nectar from the flowers so as to make and hoard honey. But the painstakingly made delectable honey is consumed either by the beekeepers or stolen by the wild bears. His conclusion --"It is stupid to stockpile material goods. One should either spend one's wealth on oneself or give it as charity to others".
I, however, believe that surplus riches must, invariably, be donated to the needy. I have noted that conspicuous consumption only creates a "vacuum" in one's heart. Also one then becomes overly attached, servant to the material possessions, desires. Being in perpetual distress, a slave can't progress mentally, physically or spiritually.

As an avid nature lover, I am of the opinion that today's world is nothing but a garden. To substantiate my viewpoint, I have written the following composition. Hope you like it.

In this garden you can find.
Amusing things of every kind.

Cuckoos sing melodiously for you, with smile.
Till you have something worthwhile.

Behold them, hoard them as much as you like.
Fluffy flowers, flashing fireflies won't give solace in life.

Butterflies beautifully hover around you.
As if they have intense longing for you.

Those, however, are able to see through these tricks.
Who have borne profound pain through thorn pricks.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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