Why We Crave For Deep Sleep

"Sleeping is my favorite sport" declares one of my friends. For most of us, holiday means extra hours of sleep. Do you know why our thirst for sleep never ends?

In the deep sleep, the agitating mind stops functioning, temporarily. I have found that the "tishnagee"(longings) arise only in a tumultuous mind. The more distraught a person is, the more ambitious he becomes!
In a slumber, all cravings take a break.
In the deep sleep, devoid of dreams, one also becomes oblivious of one's body, gender and status. One is thus unconsciously situated in one's real self.  You see, the real self or "atma"(soul) neither aspires for anything nor has any gender. So deep sleep gives bliss. However extreme of it causes lassitude.

One can have a glimpse of the same bliss during the climax of sexual intercourse. But then after the coitus, one is drained and experiences enervation.

Meditation, is the best way to experience perpetual ecstasy, in a conscious state. Meditation is neither mumbo-jumbo nor is it the prerogative of "yogis" or seers. Simply put, meditation means cessation of thought process by just observing one's thoughts with equanimity.
Always remember that thoughts are the passing clouds while one's mind is like the sky that remains steadfast. There is absolutely no need to be affected by them. All the problems originate only when one wrongly, foolishly equates the transitory clouds with the imperishable deep blue sky.
Just be a "witness" to your ephemeral thoughts and the resultant emotions, without any attachment to them. Amazingly, you'll find your thoughts leaving you, vanishing into thin air. With the "weight" off your shoulders, you will become buoyant, ecstatic.

Well, uncontaminated serenity and joy can be experienced only when you are situated in your real self which is nothing but Sat-Chit-Ananda( Eternal, Consciousness and Ever Blissful).

~ Sanjay Gargish ~


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