Encourage Opposite Sex Friendships

In our society, a belle is not supposed to converse openly with a stranger. It is, however, considered perfectly fine if she is married off to an entirely unfamiliar person.
How bemusing!
The deranged "custodians" of our culture have created many hindrances or dos and dont's that obstruct socializing between opposite sexes. Go to any "satsanga", place of worship, you will invariably find separate lanes for males and females. Even in so called "co-educational" academic institutions, boys and girls are made to sit separately. Such an arrangement provides congenial environment for the "curious minds" to proliferate who commit such heinous crimes as rapes.
Encourage opposite sex friendships.
It's high time to shut down all boys schools and "Kanya Mahavidyalayas".
The preparatory schools should take measures to infuse valour, hardihood among the girls. Instil some compassion, empathy among the boys.
Let each human be an "alloy" of masculine and feminine traits.
Let each human being be the
"ardhanarishwar" form of Lord Shiva.
All gender discrimination must come to an end.
I assure you that familiarity between males and females will reduce rape cases to a half. "Inquisitiveness" is undoubtedly the primary reason behind the mushrooming of rape cases in India.

~Sanjay Gargish~


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