Leave Your Body Before It Leaves You.
Death is not only unpredictable, it is also even-handed. Not only it catches one unawares, it also doesn't discriminate between a newly born child and an octogenarian! I have found that there are two ways in which one can bid goodbye to this world : (a) When one's body leave one. (b) When one leaves one's body. Try loving intensely anything belonging to this material world. Take it from me, you'll ultimately be a loser. You'll be deceived by the same thing on which you have showered your affection, in which you have reposed your utmost trust. I have discerned that any material thing, be it money or relation, that gives joy initially, would finally prove to be a pain in one's neck. King Midas was crazy for gold. The "yellow metal" brought ruin to him, proved to be his nemesis. The wealthy monarch finally died due to "starvation". Eminent business tycoon Vijaypat Singhania, the man behind the ultra - successful clothing brand ...