
Showing posts from March, 2019

Good Guys Always Finish Second

The victim of a frame-up, a truthful acquaintance of mine was recently fired from a senior position in public department. "What's my fault, Sharmaji ?" he asked me innocuously. The only vehicle that my father had in his whole lifetime -- an official, black colored ambassador car, with a chauffeur. A highly decorated officer, he remained very upright, altruist. He could easily have made tons of money, bought properties, by selling his ज़मीर (soul). Instead he chose to remain loyal to his organization, nation. Post retirement, he lived comfortably. Some of his unprincipled colleagues/juniors, however, made a fortune through unscrupulous deals. Post retirement, they lived luxuriously. My profession has given me sufficient money, lots of contentment and respect. My eyes fill with tears of joy when I see the saplings planted by me transforming into mighty, fragrant trees. Shrewdly, unethically, my confreres have, turned the profession of teaching into a money-oriented ...

Some Spiritual Queries Answered

Some queries have been raised with regard to my last post:  (a) How the energy gets transformed?  (b) What are the signs of a person who is flush with "Spiritual energy"? Well, I am of the opinion that Almighty bestows upon every new born, without any discrimination, with same amount of "formless" energy. As a child grows up, the energy starts channelising in a particular direction, according to a person's "dharma"(nature). For example, a person having proclivity for wrestling utilizes the energy in building muscular physique. A budding scholar may use it for studying voluminous books, narratives. Here I want to emphasize that a  person may convert the "gifted" energy into physical or mental energy according to his disposition, but the total energy remains same in each and every person. Although a wrestler has much physical energy, he is generally a dimwit, very less sexual urge. Likewise, I have observed that a sex addict remains pe...

A Teacher Should Be Multifaceted.

Apart from their chosen disciplines, a teacher should also have adequate knowledge about other streams. I have found that majority of the teachers are well-aquainted with their subjects, they are ignoramuses about other fields. Like a mare with thick blinkers, they are focused in one particular direction only. A teacher familiar with other disciplines, will make things interesting, more clear to his students by making them understand through different perspectives. Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya  was a renowned philosopher, sage, an authority on Advaita Vedanta. As he was a "brahmachari"(celibate), he lacked knowledge with regard to sexual matters. A philomath, he wanted to have first hand experience of copulation. Through his "Yogic Powers", he entered the dead body of King Amruka and indulged in sexual activities for about one month. His deep understanding about sex came in handy when Bharati, wife of famous scholar Madana Mishra, challenged him to debate with...

Taking Inspiration From Sage Dattatreya

Few weeks back, I finished reading "Dattatreya Upanishad" written by renowned Indian monk--Dattatreya, alias Dattaguru. He received his whole education by keenly observing nature, from Mother Nature. In the "Upanishad" (Hindu religious text), he has enumerated all his twenty-four "teachers" like earth, elephant, fish, spider. A snake can comfortably slither into any hollow object that it encounters. Also it readily discards it's old skin so as to sport a new one. From a snake, Dattatreya learnt that a yogi (monk) should be able to adapt himself to all places and circumstances. Also a yogi must be prompt to modify his outdated thinking, ideas. Dattatreya found that honey bees laboriously collect nectar from the flowers so as to make and hoard honey. But the painstakingly made delectable honey is consumed either by the beekeepers or stolen by the wild bears. His conclusion --"It is stupid to stockpile material goods. One should either spend one...