Lord's Way Of Punishing
Renowned mystic Kabirdas ji wrote the following couplet : साईं इतना दीजिये, जा मे कुटुम समाय । मैं भी भूखा न रहूँ, साधु ना भूखा जाय ॥ ( My Lord, kindly give me only that much money which is barely enough to buy food for myself as well as my guests. ) Mangu Dev, a disciple of Kabir ji asked, "Master, why do you want only little wealth from the Lord? Goddess Lakshmi ji ( Goddess of Wealth ) is His consort. He can gift you copious money." Kabir ji smiled and said, "Mangu, Lord hands out surfeit of riches only to those whom He wants to punish severely. Surplus money invariably brings miseries. Greed has no end." Yes, Kabir ji has rightly remarked that "Greed has no end". Every now and then we encounter incidents that corroborate Kabir ji's reflection. Illustrious tycoon and former Chairman of Raymond Group, Vijaypat Singhania, ensured that his son Gautam Singhania had all the luxuries of the world, pampered him excessively. Soon Ga...